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How To Integrate Okta In Amazon Cognito User Pool
When you are building enterprise software, you will often encounter requests to integrate your system with the identity management systems of the enterprise. In this

Avoid Options Call To Improve The Performance Of Your Web Apps
Boost Your Web App’s Performance: Best Practices for Eliminating Unnecessary Options Calls When a cross origin request is initiated by a client app, browsers make

Building A Multi Tenant System Using PostgreSQL And Django
Efficient Multi-Tenant System Development with PostgreSQL and Django Multitenancy Multitenancy refers to a software application that serves multiple distinct groups of users sharing a single

Using Amazon Forecast To Predict Sales For The Coming Weeks – A Case Study
Introduction Forecasting is the science of predicting the future through historic demand Forecasting is used not only to meet customer demand but also to optimize

Migrating IONIC 3 To IONIC 4 And IONIC 5
Ionic framework is an open-source framework that is available under the MIT License for the development of hybrid mobile and desktop applications. It uses web

Cardconnect Swiper Integration With Ionic Application
All e-commerce applications offer credit card payments with payment gateway integrations. Apart from the regular online payment integration, there is also a need to integrate

Live Stream Zoom Webinar To Custom Streaming Video Platforms
Webinars are designed so that the host and any designated panelists can share their video, audio and screen. Webinars allow view-only attendees. They have the

Track The Source Of Your Android App Installations Using Firebase
Your marketing team may want to run various marketing campaigns to promote your apps. For example, they may create Google ads, Facebook campaigns, Instagram campaigns

Generic Angular Code To Avoid Code Duplication
Efficient Angular Development: A Guide to Avoiding Code Duplication with Generic Code Duplicate code is a repetition of a line or a block of code

Hosting Front End Apps With AWS Amplify
In my opinion, using AWS Amplify provides one of the fastest ways to get a new web application from idea to prototype on AWS. AWS

Scan QR Code To Open Specific Content In An App
Scan QR Code To Open Specific Content In An Android App Introduction This blog discusses the approach and solution to open specific content in an

SAM CLI – Serverless Application Model , is a command line tool provided by AWS to easily create and manage serverless applications. Serverless Framework –
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